
I should be writing, but I’m cranky and I don’t feel well so I’m making math shapes instead.

Green glowy dragon klick-klacks.  This does demonstrate that I’m terrible at painting the numbers (and probably using the wrong paints).  The glow on these is great.

dice - green


These got a few air bubbles and didn’t photograph well, but actually look amazing in person.  They have the top stalks of grass that is going to seed suspended inside them for a druid theme.

dice - grass

Gave up painting numbers.  These didn’t turn out quite like I wanted.  Was going for a darker, more obsidian like black.

dice - dark copper

And these didn’t turn out like I wanted either, but the more I look at them, the more I like them.  They look like a dark amethyst with gold veins.

dice - amethyst